
Dorian Yates once tried explaining how before his 1993 Mr. Olympia appearance he had enough body mass and also a shape good enough for the contest. However, the bodybuilder was not satisfied with just that, he kept on talking about the need for having a shredded body to win the competition. Later, in the process, he also revealed one of his secret plans to impress the judges.

The six consecutive Mr. Olympia winner, Dorian Yates is known as the Shadow. The bodybuilder who introduced the mass monster era in the bodybuilding industry once tried to keep up with it while also having a bone-dried shredded body at the same time.

Dorian Yates’s goal to impress the judges


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Yates mentioned how before his 1993 Mr. Olympia, he was weighing “270lbs of solid mass”. However, when he started his shredding journey, his weight dropped to 257 lbs because he wanted to have a dry-to-bone physique. He revealed his secret technique to impress the judges. He wrote, “I wasn’t afraid to lose muscle mass when cutting because I knew I had plenty of it so that wasn’t an issue for me. What I wanted was to shock the world by combining the mass with the absolute shredded conditioning… I wanted the judges to think “WTF is that!”.”

Furthermore, Yates also talked about how he always learned in every stage of his fitness life. But he always wanted to be the best version of himself in the most shredded form. He reflected, “In contest condition here, with the striated glutes and Christmas tree lower back and everything. But I wanted to be even more shredded come contest time like you are covered in cling film.Yates had been able to cut down on body fat percentage. Much like 1993, two years later, the bodybuilder had a similar goal of becoming shredded while also having a fuller look.


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Yates in his 1995 Mr. Olympia

The bodybuilder not only decided that he needed to get shredded but he also reached a very low body fat percentage. So much so that, he confessed how everyone thought that he resembled Skeletor. He stated, “I believe I got down to 3% body fat. We did use the skin fold calipers, but once you get past a certain percentage there’s no real way to check unless you have a scan. But you can just tell from the faces when you resemble Skeletor… that’s when you know!”

Watch This Story: Mass Monster Dorian Yates, Who Trained His Muscles to Absolute Failure Urges Bodybuilders Against Lifting Heavy Weights


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Dorian Yates has always wanted to be like Skeletor. With humongous mass yet paper-thin skin. Although he had ample moments with contest-worthy physique, the bodybuilder pushed himself to be the best version of himself.

READ ALSO: “Each Week Aim to Beat It”: Known to Drive the Mass Monster Era, Dorian Yates Spills the Beans on the Importance of Progressive Overload in the Gym