
Muscle building has become a crazy trend of late, and many newcomers to the fitness realm often go to dangerous extremes to ace a ripped physique. However, to sculpt well-defined muscles, one has to lift weights and follow a strict diet routine. But maintaining discipline in training and dieting regime is not something that everyone can do.

This is when many rely on unsafe means to become muscular. Synthol is one of the supplements that some rely on to have instant bodybuilding gains. However, such instant techniques will leave deteriorating results to the body.

Synthol: The bodybuilding shortcut


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Muscles grow in pain. The resistance endured during heavy weightlifting causes the muscular tissue to expand and grow. So, bodybuilders spend their prime at the gym training with weights. But Synthol delivers muscles without pain. However, the after-effects can turn out to be very detrimental.

Synthol is composed of 85 percent medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, 7.5 percent lidocaine, and 7.5 percent alcohol. It is injected into muscles with a syringe. Once inside the muscle tissue, the main component of synthol, medium-chain triglyceride, expands in the target tissue, bulging the muscles into boulders. Lidocaine acts as a painkiller, and alcohol keeps the mixture sterilized. Synthol solution is often injected into small muscle groups like biceps, triceps, and deltoids. It can also be used as an oil applied to the desired muscle group. However, is Synthol safe?

The harmful effects of Synthol 

Apart from making the muscles expand, synthol has no other value to the body. It causes the muscles to grow in size but not in strength. Since the muscles are expanding without training, they lack strength. Aesthetically, too, synthol-induced muscles look less appealing and are often disproportionate when compared with other muscle groups of the body. When one analyzes the health risks associated with Synthol, one will understand why its usage is not advised.

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Synthol is associated with permanent muscle degeneration and also causes muscle fibrosis, which results in scarring of muscle tissue, as per Healthline. The only way to get rid of the pain caused is by surgically removing the dead tissue.

Other life-threatening conditions are also linked with the use of this instant muscle developer. After injecting it deep into the muscle tissue, the chances of damaging a nerve, vein, or artery cannot be overruled. Conditions like blockage of the pulmonary artery, nerve damage, heart attack, strokes, and bacterial infections add to the risk factors of Synthol.

Extraction of Synthol from the body

MCT oil, once injected into muscles, hardens up in the target tissue and is not absorbed by the body. So, the only way to permanently eliminate the compound from the body is to remove the tissue once it is scarred. The surgeon would first evaluate the area degraded by the compound using an MRI. After the analysis, the surgery would result in removing the scarred tissue without touching the unaffected part.

But why do bodybuilders depend on Synthol?

Despite the harmful effects of the compound, it is not banned. The ease of purchase also allows bodybuilders to indulge in the risk associated with the muscle enhancement oil. Earlier, Healthline noted a study that showed how the internet has content ensuring the safety of Synthol, but there is not enough research to advocate the harmful effects of Synthol.


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All these aspects make bodybuilders more prone to Synthol’s intake. However, even pro bodybuilders couldn’t escape the allegations of using such artificial muscle enhancement supplements.

Iconic bodybuilders who faced Synthol accusations

Fans often debate that the uncrowned Mr. Olympia champion Flex Wheeler might have used Synthol. The contrasting difference between his 1993 and 1994 physique became a point of contention for bodybuilding fans. Even the 2022 Mr. Olympia champion Hadi Choopan was accused of Synthol use, as per Generation Iron.


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The artificial muscles of Synthol freaks often leave the fitness world disillusioned. While the instant gains result in a disproportionate physique, the ill effects are long-lasting. Still, a few muscle enthusiasts who can’t put in the work at the gym tend to such detrimental ways. But the wise chose always is to lift weights at the gym for better health and physique.

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