
Just four months ago, Amanda Serrano, along with her contemporary Katie Taylor, penned a new chapter in history when they became the first women to headline a boxing match inside the prestigious Madison Square Garden. After the undisputed lightweight championship match past April, Serrano is all ready to revisit the Mecca of Boxing in her upcoming 46th professional bout. To her and everyone else’s excitement, in this much-awaited event, she was supposed to fight on the undercard of her promoter, Jake Paul.

Unfortunately, Hasim Rahman Jr. could not come down to the agreed 205lbs. This resulted in Rahman Jr.’s team “pulling out” and the commission announcing the cancellation of Hasim Rahman Jr. vs. Jake Paul.


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Although Jake Paul is entitled to suffer yet another cancellation of a scheduled fight, Amanda Serrano, having hit her 126lbs mark, looks prepared and encouraged to outperform Brenda Karen Carabajal on August 6th. Taking to Twitter, as a woman who cares about their look come fight time, the former unified featherweight world champion shared a photo of hers and her blooming abs.

Cultivation time: Amanda Serrano shares the feeling of losing weight

In her last fight against Katie Taylor, Serrano weighed in at 133 and 1/2 lbs. This time around, she has lost 7 and 1/2 lbs for the Brenda Karen Carabajal bout. Will this loss of weight significantly affect Serrano’s performance in the ring? Well, ‘The Real Deal’ is only 5′ 5½″ tall and consequently is used to and comfortable fighting in lower weight classes.


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Looking at her records, one can see that most of her victories arrive under 128. So far in her career, Serrano has had eight fights between 126-126 and 1/2 lbs. Impressively, ‘The Real Deal’ won all her bouts in the said division. Therefore, it leads us to assert that Serrano is both comfortable and confident fighting in 126 lbs.

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In her last fight, despite a praiseworthy performance, Serrano lost via a split decision. Glenn Feldman scored the bout 97-93, Guido Cavalleri scored 96-93, and finally, Benoit Roussel gave 94-96 in favor of Taylor.


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Do you think Serrano will have an edge fighting at 126 and 1/2 lbs on August 6th? Let us know in the comments.