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The 2023 season has seen Max Verstappen break records one after the other, with the most recent one being Ascari’s long-standing record for the highest win percentage in a single season. Adding a third world title to his name as well this year, the Dutch Lion has grown accustomed to winning trophies every weekend. In that regard, there’s not much difference between Verstappen and the highly decorated English actress, Kate Elizabeth Winslet.

While the Briton is no stranger to accolades, her first Academy award would come after 6 nominations, all of which were well-deserving candidates! After winning the Best Actress award for ‘The Reader’, she gained notoriety for the ‘charitable’ positioning of her Oscar award. But after Max Verstappen’s shocking revelation about her storage choice, Kate Winslet wishes she would have let the idea sink with the Titanic!

Does Max Verstappen get to keep his Championship trophies?


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On an episode of the official Oracle Red Bull Racing podcast Talking Bull, Max Verstappen was asked by the host about where he keeps his World Championship trophies, as well as the replicas. “So do you have a replica of your trophies? So like, your world championship trophies that you’ve got from 2021 and 2022, where do you keep them at home? ” Whilst drivers are given a replica of the actual trophies, the original ones are returned the following year to be passed onto the next champion, but it still leaves Verstappen with three replica trophies, all for him to keep.

The Dutchman added, “It’s like a rotating trophy, so I have the replica and the real one at home. So the replica of course will stay with me and I can engrave it every single year, but the real one of course, you keep it as long as you are World Champion. But yeah, it’s a nice trophy to have it home.” Speaking of awards, Nicola Hume brought up Kate Winslet’s hysterical placement of her Academy Award.

“So where abouts at home do you keep it because, like Kate Winslet for example, she’s won an Oscar. She keeps it in the downstairs toilet so that when people come around, they can pretend they’ve won an Oscar. So maybe it’s an Idea to pop it in the loo.” – The revelation sent Max Verstappen and his race engineer, Gianpiero Lambiase into uncontrollable laughter with a rather disgusting realization, “I hope they wash their hands before they touch it.”

While it may not have been on Kate Winslet’s mind when she conjured up the idea to allow her house guests an opportunity to make their very own ‘I would like to thank’ speech, the thought of people not using their hands would make anyone rethink that choice. When the chuckles were over, Verstappen finally revealed to us where he keeps his trophies, “No, I have one next to my sim rig, and the other one in, well, the living room basically, in the closet.” 

READ MORE: Opposing Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen Discloses Ridiculous Fact About Trophy Collection

In classic Max Verstappen fashion, his heart doesn’t leave the racing world behind. While the Dutch Lion’s home is filled with racing equipment like his sim rig and the WDC trophies, the man who had a solid claim on the Dutchman’s 2021 trophy takes a completely different approach.

Lewis Hamilton may have missed out on the 2021 trophy, but he trumps Kate Winslet’s Oscar spot

While the reason behind Kate Winslet’s awkward location for her Oscar is noble, there’s a certain driver who counts trophies like pennies in a piggy bank. It goes without saying that if Lewis Hamilton wanted to show his houseguests his WDC trophies, the Briton would have to move to a 7-bedroom house! However, the Mercedes driver has just the right idea in mind for not just his guests, but the entire LH Army, and perhaps the wider community too.


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Early on in his dominance, Hamilton had openly shared his clause with Mercedes to keep his helmets and trophies, after all the sacrifices his family had made to help Hamilton achieve every kid’s dream. “It was a small thing, but small things matter, like my helmets. It (his helmet) has my sweat, blood, and tears in it so that is why I want to keep that. Now I keep them and my trophies are my trophies”

In contrast to Max Verstappen, the Mercedes driver doesn’t keep any trophies in his house, and the only thing closely related to the sport would be a portrait of Ayrton Senna. In his classical philanthropic nature, the driver with the most trophies in almost any category of F1 has decided to open up a museum for fans to witness his achievements, with a charitable twist, “What I would like to do is put all of them on display in a museum. My fans support me in everything I do, so they can look at all the trophies. It might cost a pound to enter, which will then be donated to charity, so everyone would benefit from it.”


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WATCH THIS STORY | Lewis Hamilton’s Incredible Car Collection

Max Verstappen may have a better approach than Kate Winslet when it comes to deciding the location of his most prized possessions. On the other hand, Lewis Hamilton has transcended to a level of maturity that has allowed him to detach from his materialistic achievements and convert them into a source of good.