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Angel Hernandez. If you’re a baseball fan, it’s likely that that name itself evoked groans. This umpire is a lightning rod for controversy. He is seemingly a constant presence behind the plate, and as fans and players have highlighted, leaves a trail of questionable calls. More often than not, players feel frustrated players in his wake. But have you ever wondered, how much Angel Hernandez actually earns?

Despite his reputation, Hernandez receives a significant salary. Let’s not forget, he is a veteran umpire with over 25 years of experience. This makes it amply evident that he earns a great sum. Base salary? TV deals and more? Hernandez has it all in tens of thousands of dollars. 

Angel Hernandez’s Salary, Contract and More 


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First of all, his base salary of $400,000 is just a small segment. This increases to $430,000 when reaching 30 years of service. One might wonder, how he gets that hefty sum, given the ongoing debate about his performance. But there’s more.

Hernandez also is a recipient of a share of MLB’s annual TV deals. This further adds another  $30,000 to his yearly income. But moreover, the postseason assignments come with additional bonuses. And yes, those too come in potentially tens of thousands more depending on the event. Despite the financial benefits, one question stands. Why is Hernandez seemingly unfazed by the constant criticism? 

Well, the answer lies in the complicated pages of labor contracts and lawsuits. The present umpire union contract makes it extremely tough to discipline or dismiss veteran umpires. No matter their performance. To make matters complex, Hernandez has an ongoing lawsuit against MLB. He alleges that there has been discrimination based on his ethnicity (Cuban-American) regarding postseason assignments and crew chief positions. To a certain degree, this too seemingly ties MLB’s hands. 


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Hernandez – A Cause For Reform In Umpiring?  

But social media has been flooded with fans yearning for more accountability. The current umpire contract expires this winter, and it’s possible that MLB pushes for stricter performance standards in the upcoming agreement. It’s worth wondering, could a more generous retirement package incentivize Hernandez and other veterans to consider stepping away? 


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For now, Angel Hernandez is not going anywhere. He is likely to remain a fixture on the baseball diamond. Though his presence might be a source of frustration, he could also be a catalyst for reform in the world of umpiring in MLB. One thing is clear – the debate about Angel Hernandez, his salary, and his impact is anything but over.