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Inside the NBA on TNT was back in action to cover Game 7 between the Timberwolves and Nuggets. The panel saw the regulars of Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, and Charles Barkley. However, the fourth pawn of this foursome, Shaquille O’Neal, was nowhere to be found. Instead, we saw NBA legend Vince Carter replace him. Recently, we even saw Draymond Green make an appearance when the Chuckster was absent. However, Big Diesel didn’t want to leave his fanbase in the dark, but did his message really answer everyone’s questions?

With the turbulent battle between TNT and the NBA’s media rights, fans fear they might lose regular access to their favorite group. And Shaq’s absence today amplified it all. Amidst these worries, Shaq posted a cryptic Instagram post that raised suspicions further. It read, “Humble enough to know I can be replaced, but wise enough to know ain’t nobody else like me.” He paired it with the caption, “thanks had to steal this from my guy,” and credited NBA legend Stephen Jackson for the quote. And Barkley previously claimed to have “zero idea.”

It is with great sadness that fans are watching the end of the glorious days of the Inside the NBA crew. There is no doubt that the dissolution of the TNT show is absolute. Charles Barkley said as much when Shaq’s comments to the Daily Mail hinted at some positive outcome. “We’re in the bidding war with NBC… It’s down to one piece of the puzzle between us and NBC. The last [bid for TV rights] we’ve heard was around 2.5 billion, and we have zero idea what’s going to happen.”


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Chuck’s arguments do have validity. NBC’s parent company, Comcast, has been reported to be making quite the big plays. As opposed to Warner Bros. Discovery (the parent company of TNT) ’s $1.2 billion for media rights, Comcast is offering $2.5 billion. That’s a hefty amount! And one the NBA wouldn’t hesitate to take. There’s another runner in the race to grab the NBA’s media rights. It’s Amazon Prime.

If rumors are to be believed, Amazon, the tech and streaming giant, might soon walk away with the cake. But considering the popularity of Shaq and Chuck and others, they wouldn’t be too naive to break them apart. Shaq’s former agent and confidante, Leonard Armato, recently made an exclusive appearance on the EssentiallySports Fancast with the same belief – and spoke of a “wildcard.”

Armato said, “Should TNT lose the NBA, the likelihood is that Shaq and Chuck break up, which would be a shame.”

This notion was a little similar to something journalist Bill Simmons said on his podcast. Per him, it’s Barkley and Kenny Smith who are a package deal. However, Armato believes otherwise. He explained his wildcard, saying, Adam Silver in the NBA controls who will be reporting on the NBA. So they can say, ‘Look, you can’t break up Chuck and Shaq. We just love that combination too much.’” And honestly, who doesn’t love it when they argue about almost everything?

Of course, there might never be an Inside the NBA, but there will be something that fans can look forward to in the future. Armato went to the extent of saying, “There’s no other show that even compares to Inside the NBA on TNT.” Well, there are pros and cons to everything. NBC might have a bigger audience base, but that isn’t any fan’s exact concern now, is it? Since there hasn’t been any official confirmation about an agreement – which will likely be announced after the playoffs – Shaquille O’Neal’s cryptic Instagram post doesn’t help calm the crowd. Neither does his sudden disappearances from the studio.

Shaquille O’Neal and his mysterious mid-show absence during Game 5 of Cleveland vs Boston


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We often see Draymond Green as one face among the Inside the NBA crew now. While the controversial Warriors veteran might not be too beloved for his on-court behavior, his TV personality has garnered much love and support the few times he did appear earlier. But his recent appearances have been worrying the NBA on TNT fans.

Yes, it has to do with the ongoing media rights deal. With the breakup of one of the most beloved groups looming on the horizon, the Big Diesel’s sudden, unexplained exits only serve to further the concern. During Game 5 of the Cavaliers vs Celtics, Shaquille O’Neal left the show in the post-game session, and Green was called on to fill the big man’s seat (and shoes, metaphorically).

So far, there hasn’t been any explanation for why Shaq had to leave. However, it feels like the foreboding of a more permanent absence. The harsh truth of the matter, though, was said in as plain terms as ‘Sir Charles’ could in an ESPN interview. “I don’t think there’s a way they can keep us together, to be honest. We wouldn’t have anything to talk about. All of us are financially set. We ain’t worried about the job, to be honest with you.” 


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If that doesn’t sound like a retirement speech, then we aren’t sure what does. Hopefully, they can all get together for a final hurrah. What’s your favorite moment while watching them? Let us know in the comments below!