
via Imago

“We were, not surprisingly, excellent when Draymond was healthy.” This was what Steve Kerr said when talking about the key aspects the Warriors needed to focus on in the next season. Defense. And we all know that when it comes to defense in the Dubs, Draymond Green is the man. He has been the man since the beginning. In the 55 games that Green has played this season, the team has had a defensive rating of 113.5.

That would have ranked in the top 11 in the league. However, in the 27 games that he was off the floor, their defensive rating was 121.1. And that would have put them at the bottom. As such, Stephen A. Smith’s statements in his chat with Willard and Dibs ring true. “You can’t get rid of Draymond Green. Say whatever you want about him, you’re not winning without him…Steph Curry needs Draymond Green more than he needs anybody outside of his family…You can not lose Draymond.”


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If we were to look at the Warriors’ record in the regular season, with DrayMagic, the team has gone 33-22. On the contrary, without him, the record stands at 13-14. Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, and Green were the three pillars that brought the Warriors back to the dynasty they were. Although we often mention just the Splash Brothers, Draymond’s contribution to the team’s success was just as prominent. In fact, Stephen A. further noted that Green “brings everything to the team that Steph Curry doesn’t want to bring in.”

Chef Curry’ isn’t exactly the vocal leader that Giannis or Edwards is. But Draymond Green is absolutely vocal. With years of experience under his belt, the 34-year-old acts as the floor general, rallying the team at crucial junctures, his mind working at lightning speed to figure out the best course of action. And they work. When you don’t factor in the times Green doesn’t resort to violent physical altercations, they work. Interestingly, the ESPN analyst’s supporting statements come when the said pair are in a beef of their own.

Stephen A. Smith hits back hard and fast to the claims of Draymond Green on Shaq’s podcast

The Dubs’ veteran forward was the guest of Shaquille O’Neal on the latest episode of his The Big Podcast with Shaq. While talking about the indefinite suspension Green received after a smack to Jusuf Nurkic, the 4x champion explained his side of the story. The controversial DPOY detailed just how much the “he needs help” remarks affected himself and his family. More so, his four children.

With every other sports fan giving their take on their favorite team or a player on social media, it was wishful thinking that Dray’s kids wouldn’t catch a snippet or two. Hearing how their dad needed help truly worried them. And that, in turn, hit him hard. But what was even worse was when the people who have known him as more than a basketball player just went with the flow. Unfortunately for Stephen A. Smith, Green decided to put him in the spotlight.


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USA Today via Reuters

“I know you got a job to do, I know you got to do your thing,” Dray said. “But at not one point did you say, ‘Well, y’all are saying this person is f**ked up and this person need help. Now, I know the person. Say what you want about the basketball player, that’s fine. But I know the person,’” he finished.

Not happy with having his name besmirched, the First Take commentator gave as good as he got on the Bay Area sports station. “First things first, that’s utter bullsh*t! Let’s get that out of the way … For me to have the relationship that I have with him to hear about this because you on Shaq’s podcast, he pissed me off. So, now both of us are pissed. Because, to be quite honest with you, I don’t think that what he sayin’ has a shred of merit, whatsoever.” There is no doubt that Dray will respond to this, probably on his podcast, The Draymond Green Show. 


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But whatever bad blood is between the two doesn’t seem to affect Stephen A.’s view on the Warriors’ situation. How long this will drag on is also something we will have to wait and see. In the meantime, another matter foremost in our mind is about our beloved Inside the NBA crew. While many are sure they are going to be disbanded, Shaq’s confidante and ex-agent, Leonard Armato, thinks otherwise. To know more about his comments, watch this video.