
NBA legend and Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal is a happy father of six children and just like every father in the world, he has a soft spot for them, especially for his daughters. The Big Diesel always makes sure that his daughters are healthy and happy before anything else. In fact, he always assists them and never raises his voice at his girls. However, recently the former Los Angeles Lakers player revealed that once he had to raise her voice at one of his daughters and forced her to be ‘mean’.

Taahirah O’Neal, Amirah O’Neal, and Me’arah O’Neal are the three daughters of the four-time champion. Shaq revealed that he urged her youngest daughter Me’arah to be ‘mean’ lately.

Shaquille O’Neal compelled Me’Arah to be mean


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In one of the recent episodes of ‘The Big Podcast with Shaq’, Shaq  said, “The first person I told my daughter to watch is this beautiful woman next to me [Candance Parker] because they lookalike, they play alike…” Moreover, added that he said to her that she got to be mean. Subsequently, the former Lakers player said his daughter started to pick up once she began watching Parker play.

Thereafter, Nishcelle Turner (one of the co-hosts) intervened and said, “She [Me’Arah] got a dog streak in her Shaquille.” In reply, the 15x All-Star said, “Yes but that’s not until I made her watch Candace. Before that she was you know very prissy…”

The now 50-year-old finished by saying at first Me’arah was a bit scared to be mean but eventually, she became less prissy as he was always standing beside her and supporting her. In other words, the 15x All-Star wanted her daughter to be mean so that she could be ruthless on the hardwood just like a real basketball champion.

Read more- Caught in the Crossfire of Massive Brawl, Fans Side With Shaquille O’Neal as Ex-NBA Nemesis Finds Little Ruth: “Gonna Find a Way to Blame Dwight..”

Shaq would torture her daughters’ boyfriends


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Shaq is really strict about his daughters dating life and showed a glimpse of his strictness in the past on live TV. During an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres’ show, DeGeneres asked him what happens if her daughter meets a guy at the age of 18 or 19. In reply, the 50-year-old said, “I’m waiting for that. Imma torture him…I’d just really really torture him. Torture him bad” 

What are your thoughts on the statements of Shaquille O’Neal? Please let us know in the comments below.


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