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Jon Jones is a renowned UFC fighter known for his dominant performances and wrestling skills. Jones has an impressive track record, having won the NY State Wrestling Championship, the National Junior College Wrestling Championship, and the Greco-Roman All American competition. Despite his accolades, there are concerns about his takedown ability in his upcoming octagon return. While Jones has proven his wrestling prowess in the past, it remains unclear if he can rely on it once again.

One of Jones’ most iconic rivalries was with Daniel Cormier, a six-time US Olympic team member, and a bronze medalist. Cormier is also a two-time Pan American champion, but Jones was able to defeat him twice. Recently, Jones tweeted about the former UFC double division champion commentating on his octagon return.

As a former UFC light heavyweight champion, Jones has demonstrated his wrestling abilities time and time again. However, with his return to the octagon looming, it remains uncertain whether he can maintain the same level of skill. Nevertheless, Jones’ past performances and accolades indicate that he has the potential to remain a formidable opponent in the ring.


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Will Jon Jones still be dominant in wrestling?

UFC legend Chael Sonnen recently shared his expert opinion on how age affects a fighter’s ability to take down their opponent. In his YouTube video, he states that a fighter’s striking prowess isn’t the first to fade away. It’s the ability to take down his opponent. With Jones approaching his mid-30s, Sonnen isn’t certain if he still has the same level of wrestling ability that he once had.

As Sonnen said, “The power is the last thing to go. But I will tell you what, the takedown is the first thing to go. If you are not fighting and you are not active and you are not busy, no matter how good you did in your youth at wrestling. The first thing that you will lose is your ability to wrestle.” Jones has a notable track record of wrestling achievements. Despite this, it’s unclear if he can still execute takedowns with the same efficiency as before.

Despite the popular stereotype that striking ability is the first thing to go with age, Sonnen disagrees. He acknowledges that Jones is not a one-dimensional fighter and has other strengths apart from his wrestling ability. Only time will tell how Jones will fare in his upcoming fights. However, Sonnen’s analysis offers valuable insight into how age can affect a fighter’s performance.

Knockout alert: Jones and his killer kickboxing skills!

Chael Sonnen’s analysis of Jon Jones’ fighting ability also highlights his impressive kickboxing and striking skills. Sonnen admires Jones’ ability to switch between wrestling and striking, utilizing his kickboxing when necessary. In fact, Jones has proven to be quite proficient in kickboxing and striking, which can give him a valuable edge in tough fights.


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As Sonnen noted, “When he was really in trouble, starting to turn to kickboxing. That special tool was becoming elbows and knees.” This showcases Jones’ adaptability and ability to adjust his strategy in the heat of the moment. When his wrestling ability isn’t enough, he can turn to his kickboxing and strike his way to victory.


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Jones’ ability to use kickboxing during tough times in a fight is a valuable asset. As Sonnen explained how during the difficult times when the screw is tight, he will strike out his opponent to get an edge over him. This flexibility and versatility in fighting style sets Jones apart as a top UFC fighter and makes him a formidable opponent in the octagon.

Watch This Story – Jon Jones UFC deal compared to Francis Ngannou and Brock Lesnar

Written by

Himakshu Vyas

One Take at a Time
Himakshu Vyas is a Combat Sports author at Essentiallysports. He is passionate about sports, with soccer and MMA being the sports he is most involved in. Aside from that, he follows the global soccer scene.
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Rohini Kottu