
The NHL witnesses an array of controversies on-field or off. The Boston versus New York Rangers clash and the Colorado versus Detroit brawl in 1997 are, to name a few. Similarly, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Anaheim Ducks observed something similar. On the 11th of February, the Penguins won the match over the Ducks with a 6-3 point difference.

However, apart from winning, Penguins captain, Sidney Crosby took on Ducks’ centerman, Trevor Zegras on a one-on-one mid-game, per footage on YouTube. Fans explicitly took sides in the instance with their reactions. Let’s check out some of them.

Fans hail Sidney Crosby for his wild gesture.


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As per the video, the 35-year-old captain was angered by Zegras’ strike attempt after the whistles blew. Hence, he smashed the 21-year-old athlete with his shoulder, as a way of responding to his attempt. “Sidney Crosby didn’t like it,” the commentators can be heard saying. Furthermore, even fans’ reactions coincided with Crosby’s. Here are some of them:

“Zegras has been quite the shit disturber this year”

“I’ve never been a Crosby fan… until now”

“Zegras is a punk, good on Sid”

“Zegras had an attitude all game, Good job for Sid checking him.”

“Trevor is on thin lce he really pushing it”

“No fan of Sid or the Penguins but that’s the way a C should act…”

“Living in Detroit we hated Sid earlier in his career. But I have nothing but respect for him now as a veteran.”

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Nonetheless, one of the comments stated that the young athlete simply swung the stick over the puck and didn’t even touch it. While others remained assertive on Zegras’s shot. Moreover, fans once witnessed another of Crosby’s brawls with the Colombo Blue Jackets in 2019.

Sidney Crosby once fought Pierre-Luc Dubois.


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In a match with against the Colombo Blue Jackets, the Penguins center once got into a scrimmage with Pierre-Luc Dubois. Post-game, the team coach spoke about the incident saying, “I just don’t want him to get hurt.” Although the Penguins won the match with a 7-2 point score, coach Sullivan was concerned about the mishap. “I understand why he did it. I certainly give him high marks. That’s certainly part of his leadership, but I just don’t want him to get hurt,” he added.


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Sidney Crosby holds a massive and loyal fanbase in the ice-hockey sphere. He is nicknamed as ‘The Next One’ and was drafted in the 2005 NHL entry draft. What is your stance on the Crosby-Zegras clash? Let us know in the comments. 

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