
The 85-year-old grandmother has made it in the headlines for covering an arduous distance of 1000 miles on her cycle. However, this initiative is not only about pursuing hobbies in old age but tells the story of resilience in the face of unimaginable loss. 

The enduring odyssey around Scotland yet again proved that age is just a number and that resilience is the key to moving ahead in life. In this article, let us unravel the motivation and the cause behind Mavis Paterson’s cycling journey.

Heartbreaking past encourages Paterson to adopt cycling as a lifeline


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Cycling has become more than a habit in the life of Patterson who is popular among her near and dear ones as “Granny Mave”. Adopting cycling as a lifeline goes back to her tragic loss of all three children within the years 2012, 2013, and 2016. To cope with the unimaginable loss, Patterson found solace in the sport.

Read More: 86-Year-Old Royal Navy Veteran Becomes Oldest Participant in Hill Climb Race

She enlightened CNN Sports about her journey evading immense grief, “It’s been hard for me, but I’ve managed and people say, ‘Oh, you’re strong.’ and I don’t know where the strength comes from. They ask me. I don’t know. I cope, my bike helps and I’ve got wonderful friends.”

Patterson continues to share how in one instance a conversation with her daughter about expressing her fear of losing a child turned out to be true exposing her to the cruel reality. 


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A new beginning for the grieving mother

While surviving this overwhelming loss of losing all three of her kids- Sandy, Katie, and Bob- cycling emerged as a constant source of strength for Patterson. One of her remarkable feats includes the 1000-mile cycling race that spanned around Scotland. She started from the Mull of Galloway and after outlining the country on her two-wheeler returned to the same spot garnering exceptional memories and notable experience.

Besides embarking on journeys to heal herself from all the emotional burdens, Patterson has also participated in cycling events for a noble cause. She enrolled in Macmillan Cancer Support, a charity from Britain. Being part of the fundraising event, she pursued her cycling trips on a regular basis traversing through the diverse and challenging terrain spread across Scotland. In this case, Patterson triumphed with flying colors by raising a significant amount of £70,000 to support the charitable organization. 


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Amidst notable victories and adventurous feats, Patterson celebrated her 85th birthday in the Scottish town of Moffat. Even at this age, she shows no sign of slowing down and evolves as an inspirational figure highlighting the transformative power that resilience and determination hold in people’s lives. 

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