
An Amazon delivery man found himself in a real-life GTA battle as he had a face-off against two determined women on the streets. The video captured by an onlooker has gone viral on Twitter showcasing a dramatic encounter that unfolded on a seemingly regular day.

Even though the real reason behind the collision could not be comprehended from the video, the hilarious clash involving the woman and the man left everyone in disbelief. The article elaborates on the brawl and gives an account of the fan reactions.  

Confrontation escalates as woman gets involved in GTA style fight


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It is assumed from the 19-second short clip that the Amazon delivery man was doing his everyday duty of dropping off packages while riding the van. As he parked the van in front of a residence, he encountered an unexpected obstacle when a white car blocked its way parking itself in front of the vehicle.

Posted from the official Twitter handle of “Fight Mate”, the caption reads Two Women Attempt To Hijack An Amazon Driver…” As the altercation sparked up the verbal argument escalated into a physical fight when the two women got involved in a confrontation with the driver.

Opening the driver’s door, the attackers continued launching punches at the driver drawing parallels to action-adventure games like GTA, determined to prevent the man from moving the vehicle. 

Read More: VIDEO: Dealer Faces Unexpected MMA-Style Beating From an Unruly Customer

However, the driver made a snap decision by keeping himself away from the altercation. He initiated the engine of the vehicle and with determination drove past the duo pushing the car to the sideway. While women’s actions confronting the driver physically call for action, the unconventional escape made by the Amazon delivery driver also demands scrutiny.  

Fan reactions on the roadside GTA fight continue

The video posted on November 8 has received more than 760K views and 9.4K likes. The comments section of the Twitter post has captured the unfiltered reactions of the fans. One of the viewers left a comment mocking the fight saying, Christmas shopping  Ghetto Level 5.  Failed!”

Since the truck was the delivery van of Amazon, another viewer left a sarcastic comment bringing in the owner, “Where’s Jeff bezos when you need him.”

As the motive behind the fight remains ambiguous a comment reads, They got confused and thought it was Uber Eats with some Popeye’s fried chicken.”

The physical strength of the two women has been appreciated through the comment, “They just thought they were tough”.


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Some highlighted the delayed delivery of Amazon saying, They wanted that same day delivery throw down”.


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The incident sheds light on the fact that daily routines can take unexpected turns leading to perplexing situations. It also raises questions about the importance of conflict resolution methods to overcome challenging circumstances without getting yourself into trouble. As the real reason behind the GTA-style road fight remains a mystery, it has succeeded in capturing public attention. 

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