
Brock Lesnar recently opened up about regretting his infamous ‘shooting star press’ against Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 19. During an interview on the ESPN Michael Kay Show podcast, the WWE Champion talked about various topics like his daily routine, WrestleMania 38, retirement, etc.

The Beast Incarnate recently feuded with his WrestleMania opponent Roman Reigns in WWE’s Road to WrestleMania live event at Madison Square Garden. After defeating young challenger, Austin Theory, to retain the World Championship title, he got into a brawl against the Universal Champion.


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Brock Lesnar On the Botched Move

Brock Lesnar revealed that his off-the-script move against Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 19 was a “foolish move“. Lesnar went with the dangerous Shooting Star Press, though luckily, he didn’t end up with a serious injury.

While talking on the Michael Key Show, Brock said the move only gave him a concussion, and Kurt helped him through it. “That was foolish on my behalf. You get people, producers, and people higher up in the company; they always want this WrestleMania moment, which would be fantastic. So, I would practice it the night before. I was doing it in OVW when I was being trained. I’m 310 pounds, 6’3″, doing a front backflip off the top rope, hitting guys, and winning matches. Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, bless his soul; he said you don’t need to do that. Stop doing that,” Lesnar said.

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The 25-year-old Brock Lesnar attempted the aerial move on Kurt Angle, who was the reigning champion. However, Lesnar wasn’t injured apart from landing awkwardly on his head and having a concussion. “Thankfully, I didn’t break my neck or anything like that. I shouldn’t have done it. I finished the match, had a concussion. Thankfully, that was the worst of it. Kurt helped me through and was talking to me. Kurt should have just rolled me over and pinned me, went off script,” the Beast added.

The Ugly Brawl at MSG


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Two days ago, there were some chaotic moments between the WWE Champion and the Universal Champion. After Lesnar beat his mystery challenger, who was Austin Theory, and kept his Championship, the ‘Tribal Chief’ entered the ring to flame up some controversy.

Roman Reigns stepped into the ring to attack Lesnar with a Superman Punch and the Beast counter-attacked. But Roman had the support of his cousins, The Usos, and Paul Heyman. The segment ended up with Reigns standing tall over a bleeding Lesnar laying on steel steps.


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Read More: Where Does Brock Lesnar Stay?

On April 3rd, WrestleMania 38 is going to witness ‘the most stupendous’ match ever, the ‘Winner Take All’, between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns. So, let’s wait to see how ‘stupendous’ it would turn out to be.